![rm723-2 [Converted].png](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/53cdb3dbe4b0945af87f5164/1407465072870-0RCD42HKV38AXL2YX28U/rm723-2+%5BConverted%5D.png)

Located at East 23rd Street and Park Avenue in NYC, three floors for a Brand Identity company were fully renovated and converted into a design studio, offices and client presentation areas. Developed as a grouping of glass-enclosed offices located at the centre of each floor, the design areas were optimized around the building’s perimeter. Capitalizing on the natural light in this way took the best advantage of the space both for designers preparing materials and the in-board presentation spaces with their strictly controlled display environments. A product library located on the middle level also served as a staff area and project team pin-up gallery.
Project Leader for Smith-Miller + Hawkinson Architects